Membership Committee (MC)



The FIDIC Membership Committee (MC) (“the Committee”) is a working committee of FIDIC appointed by the FIDIC Board, whose primary functions are to:

  • Oversee all aspects of FIDIC membership, not limited to attraction, retention, cessation, communication with or satisfaction of members and on regular basis identify issues.
  • Develop a strategy for FIDIC to attract and retain members with options to create sustainable value for its members.
  • Identify trends around membership aspects within similar global associations.
  • Advise the FIDIC Board and Secretariat on all aspects of FIDIC membership across the
  • Consulting Engineering industry.
Full details of purpose and activities can be found in the Terms of Reference below.

Terms of Reference (ToR)


Apply to be considered for membership of this committee



Responsible FIDIC Board Members

Manish Kothari

United States of America
Primary responsibility

José Joaquín Ortiz García

Secondary responsibility





Enni Soetanto 

Indonesia (Chair)

Kiran Kumar Kapila

India (Special Advisor)

Khaimane de Deus


Mandakini Karki 


Amr Abdel Jalil 

Jordan (Vice Chair)



Yassin Doolaur 

Mauritius (Vice Chair)

Irakli Khegiani
