FIDIC is transparent and accountable to its members, stakeholders and clients. Reports on the deliberations of our board, committees and task groups are made available via this website and we issue regular press releases and statements on our work
FIDIC Statutes and Bylaws
FIDIC is governed by a set of Statutes and Bylaws which have been agreed by member associations and are updated as required and ratified by the FIDIC annual conference. These Statutes and Bylaws govern a range of issues including membership, general assembly meetings, the election of the board and the running of the board and various committees. The latest revision of the Statutes and Bylaws of FIDIC was approved by the FIDIC general assembly meeting at an online meeting in September 2020.
Linked below you will find a range of useful information about FIDIC’s governance, operations and financial performance which highlight how we do our work as well as information on the standards we set ourselves and our members.
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Statutes and Bylaws
GAM 2024 notice
The FIDIC Board hereby gives notice that this year’s FIDIC General Assembly Meeting (GAM 2024) will be held in Geneva, at Wilson Room (Ballroom), Hotel President Wilson, 47 Quai Wilson, Geneva 1211 Switzerland on Sunday, 8 September 2024 at 16:30 CEST in a hybrid mode that allows participation of delegates and proxies both in person and online by using Zoom videoconference and online voting platform – Mi-Voice.
Registration of the appointed delegates and proxies who are attending in person will start at 16:00 CEST on Sunday, 8 September 2024 at the Wilson Room, (Ballroom) Hotel President Wilson at the address indicated above. Registration of the appointed delegates and proxies who are attending the GAM online will open at 16:00 CEST on the same date using the Zoom link sent to the appointed delegates and proxies.
FIDIC Governance Framework
Corporate governance is the system by which an organization is directed and audited. It contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of an organisation. It promotes development, responsible conduct, transparency, clarity and stakeholder confidence. It has become a fundamental aspect of organisations across the world.
Primarily, corporate governance is about what the board of directors (the “Board”) does and how it goes about it and the Board of an organization is responsible for that governance.
The Board is responsible for setting strategic direction, providing leadership, supervising management and reporting to its members within the legal context in which the organization operates.
The Board referred to under Article 7 (2) and Article 11 of the FIDIC Statutes 2018 is the “Board” described in this Governance Framework.
Implementing corporate governance varies across for profit, not-for-profit and networking organizations. It may also vary across organizational models and legal jurisdictions.
In preparing FIDIC’s Governance Framework, FIDIC has reviewed governance documents for both the for profit and not for profit sector and industry associations from Australia, Canada, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA.
Click here to download FIDIC governance Framework

FIDIC Annual Report
FIDIC’s latest annual report was published in September 2022 and highlights the federation’s work and activities during the financial year 2021-2022. As well as a financial report, the annual report includes updates from the FIDIC president and chief executive and reports on the work of the various FIDIC committees.
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Annual Report 2023/2024
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Annual Report 2022/2023
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Annual Report 2021/2022
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Annual Report 2020/2021
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Annual Report 2019/2020
Click here to download a PDF version of the FIDIC Annual Report 2018/2019
FIDIC Strategic Plan
The FIDIC Strategic Plan, approved by the FIDIC board, agrees appropriate and measurable strategic objectives to help move the organisation forward. The plan outlines effective governance structures, service provision, closer membership engagement strategies and operational efficiencies to ensure that FIDIC is responsive to an ever-changing international marketplace and is fit for the future. Progress on the implementation of the plan is reviewed regularly by the FIDIC board and an update is given at the annual FIDIC general assembly meeting.