Frequently Asked Questions - Shipping & Delivery
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Shipping (5)
Select express delivery in the checkout when placing your order. The delivery delay will be displayed on the page.
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
If you return your items, the express shipping costs will not be refunded.
You can add new addresses once you are logged into your account online.
Click on "User Account" then " My addresses" and click on the button "Add a new address".
You can also select if this address is your billing or shipping address.
You can modify your addresses once you are logged into your account online.
Click on "User Account" then "My adresses" and "Edit" the adress you need to modify.
Your shipping fees will be calculated and displayed while placing your order online.
You can choose between Standard and Express delivery.
You are responsible for all duties, taxes and custom fees.
If you simply need a quote, choose Proforma as the payment mode at the end of the process.
Select standard* or express delivery in the checkout when placing your order.
The related cost and delivery delay will be displayed on the page.
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
If you return your items, the express shipping costs will not be refunded.
* Standard delivery might not be proposed if your parcel is too heavy or for some locations.
Delivery (5)
You can track your parcel once you are logged into your account online
Click on "User Account" then "Orders" and go to "Order tracking link"
You will get an overview of the current status of your order.
If your order is placed after 16.00 pm (CET Time) it will only be processed the following day.
Did you place your order before or over a public holiday or during a public holiday, or over the week-end?
If so, your order will be processed the next working day.
You can add new addresses once you are logged into your account online.
Click on "User Account" then " My addresses" and click on the button "Add a new address".
You can also select if this address is your billing or shipping address.
Select standard* or express delivery in the checkout when placing your order.
The related delivery delay will be displayed on the page.
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
If you return your items, the express shipping costs will not be refunded.
* Standard delivery might not be proposed if your parcel is too heavy or for some locations.
Select express delivery in the checkout when placing your order. The delivery delay will be displayed on the page.
Deliveries are made Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
If you return your items, the express shipping costs will not be refunded.
We do not offer exchanges. |
15 working days return policy: We have a return policy of 15 working days within receipt of the goods ordered. This means that you can send any faulty item ordered back to us within 15 working days.* Beyond that 15 working days period, the delivered order will be deemed as accepted by the client. You should be refunded within 20 working days of receiving back your faulty item. The return shipping costs are to be borne by the client. The order must be returned directly to our Customer Service department.
*We reserve the right to refuse a return due to damage.
If the payment was made using a debit or credit card, the money will be refunded to the bank account linked to the card.
If the payment was made via Bank transfer, the money will be refunded to the linked Bank Account.
You should be refunded within 20 working days of accepting your reimbursement query.