Q: If the classroom course is not postponed or canceled can I cancel my registration and be reimbursed?
A: Due to the peculiar circumstances, you will be refunded if you do not wish to wait for the next course. Please let us know your decision at least 14 days prior to the canceled/postponed course.
Q: If the course has changed from classroom to an online course, can I be reimbursed if it is no longer suitable for me?
A: Due to the peculiar circumstances, you will be refunded. Please let us know your decision at least 14 days prior the modified course.
Q: If the course is cancelled do you know if the course will be repeated for autumn/winter or next year?
A: FIDIC will reschedule the cancelled courses to a later date, taking into consideration the development of the coronavirus crisis.
Q: Has COVID-19 had an impact on the online courses?
A: There is no impact on FIDIC online courses. They will still start as scheduled.
Q: If there is no information about cancelling or postponing, does that mean the course will be held as scheduled?
A: If no special information (in red text) is mentioned on the FIDIC website under the Training tab, the course is still scheduled to take place as planned. However please do not hesitate to contact FIDIC or our partners for final confirmation.
Q: Does FIDIC offer the Trainer Accreditation programme for those who wish to be accredited FIDIC Trainers
A: FIDIC is currently developing a new Training Accreditation programme which will be delivered by FIDIC Credentialing Limited (FCL) in the future. It is anticipated that this new accreditation programme will be in operation by Q4 2020 or Q1 20201 at the latest.
Q: Does FIDIC plan to roll out the FIDIC Certify Consulting Engineer (FCCE) programme for those who wish to have the qualification in China and the rest of the world?
A: FIDIC is currently reviewing the FCCE Pilot Programme completed in China to examine and determine how best to roll out a similar programme across the world. Thereafter, FIDIC will develop and roll out the FIDIC Certify Consulting Engineers (FCCE) Accreditation programme which will be delivered by FIDIC Credentialing Limited (FCL) in the future. It is anticipated that this accreditation programme will be in operation by Q1/Q2 20201 at the latest.
Future Leaders Management Certificate
Q: Will the programme be modified to obtain the certificate this year, or will the participants complete the first portion of the programme (webinars and assignments) in 2020 and the in-person component in 2021, thereby being granted the certificate in 2021?
A: The participants will get their certificate following the webinars and assignments and exam at the end of the online portion of the 2020 programme. The in-person component has no impact on the certificate grant.
Q: I have registered for the Future Leaders Management Certificates training and the FIDIC International Infrastructure Conference 2020, however now the conference is postponed, how will you deal with my registration?
A: You have two options. To have your conference registration carried over to the 2021 Geneva conference, or request a refund for the conference fee of 800 Euro. The FLMC trainers and FIDIC are currently evaluating a possible third option - to organise virtual meetings including the preparation of a virtual presentation and speech from the participants. More information will be available about this soon on FIDIC website.