Most of us can agree that consulting engineering firms (CEF) can no longer afford to limit their scope to only consultancy services, as most projects these days are multi-disciplinary and have to be supported by innovative thinking. (Aliyu A. Aziz , 2000). Clearly, enabling technologies in the third millennium will liberate users and owners to use information personally and directly. That is to make available to these individuals information to support rational decision-making and to have the courage of developing their ideas. The role of "Innovation" in Service Industries has still not been sufficiently researched or thoroughly developed.

                Consulting engineering firms can provide a specific type of service as they are project-based organized and providers of knowledge-intensive business services. As such, their position within the innovation system as the organization of innovation is context specific. Where innovation for the CEFs used to be client driven, this will be increasingly at the initiative of the CEFs to create their market (Arjen van Bruchem, 2011). The networked position requires other competences of the engineers and their managers.

                The ability to innovate is considered one key success factor of business survival and performance (Porter, 1991). In addition, radical innovations were found to have positive effects on a firm’s brand, image and reputation (Pauwels, Silvarisso&Srinivasan, 2004). CEFs see themselves more and more positioned in a networked world where traditional engineering is being commoditized and other ways of innovation and business models have to be found. This changed position requires other competences of the engineers and their managers. Above all, CEFs need among ourselves trust, loyalty, and strong relationships to really stimulate diversity and innovation in this millennium.

                To prepare and maintain our competitiveness in global markets and to tackle the important challenges of today, a dynamic and pertinent innovation strategy is not an option, it is a must; otherwise we will not be the first who are doing it. The consulting industry will play a valuable role, together with the other partners. A large proportion of barriers to innovation and corresponding threats are in common. Developing specific priority common actions makes sense. (Michel Ray, 2013). Concrete actions need to be taken at a national or international level; some well-targeted actions need to be developed at a world level. It may take time but it seems to be the responsibility of our industry.

                As Peter Drucker said: “Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.”