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FIDIC Tendering Procedure 2nd Ed (1994)

FIDIC Tendering Procedure (2nd Edition, 1994) The FIDIC Tendering Procedure applies to the 1992 Yellow Book and the 1978 Red Book Contracts. These have been replaced by the 1999 Design-Build and Construction Contracts. The FIDIC Contracts Guide for these new 1999 contracts gives advice on tendering procedures for users of these contracts.


Guide to the Joint Venture and Sub-Consultancy Agreements 1st Ed (1994)

Guide to the Joint Venture and Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st Ed, 1994).

Operation, Maintenance and Training Guidelines (1991 OMT)

Operation, Maintenance and Training: FIDIC Guidelines for the provision of OMT services.

Joint Venture Agreement 1st Ed (1992)

Joint Venture (Consortium) Agreement (1st Ed, 1992).

Sub-consultancy Agreement 1st Ed (1992)

Sub-Consultancy Agreement (1st Ed, 1992).


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