FIDIC Project Awards 2021 winners unveiled

14 Sep 2021

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The winners of the 2021 FIDIC Project Awards have been announced at an online virtual ceremony on 14 September. The successful projects include 22 high-quality construction and infrastructure projects from across the globe.

The awards celebrate outstanding projects where FIDIC member firms have had a major involvement and they also help to publicise the work of consulting engineering firms and the contribution they make to people’s quality of life. They also encourage others to understand and support FIDIC principles. In addition, the awards also encourage the use of FIDIC contracts and guidelines and support the aims of the federation which are to promote the use of international FIDIC best practices and resources.

The FIDIC judging panel, chaired by past president Alain Bentejac, decided to recognise  projects with the following awards.

14 Awards of Merit.
7 Awards of Excellence, and
1 Outstanding Project of the Year.

The recipients of the Awards of Merit were:   

Shanghai Metro Line 11north, South Project
A metro line of 141.7 kilometers.
Project entered by Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute (Group) Co.

Lanzhou Urban Rail Transit Line 1 Project    
A new urban rail of 25 kms transporting 160,000 passengers a day.
Project entered by China Railway First Survey & Design Institute Group Co.

Qingyuan Pumped Storage Power Station (QPSPS), Guangdong    
4 x 320MW vertical-shaft single-stage Francis-type reversible generators. 470m.
Project entered by Qingyuan Pumped Storage Power Generation Co.

The Second Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge
A suspension bridge of 55.5 Kms long and six lanes.
Project entered by Anhui Transport Consulting & Design Institute Co.

Huaifang Water Reclamation Plant
Largest interior plant of the world.  
Project entered by Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co.

Dali-Lijiang Expressway    
Expresway of 259km. 98 km of viaducts and 38 kms of tunnels.
Project entered by CCCC Highway Consultants Co.

Wuhan Sanyang Road Yangtze River Tunnel Project
A tunnel large of 4,660m and an exterior diameter of 15.2m. 
Project entered by China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.

Central Tibet Power Interconnection Project
A power interconnection located in Tibet.
Project entered by China International Engineering Consulting Corporation.

McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall    
Underwater pipeline of 1.92 kms and 2250 mm of diameter.
Project entered by AECOM.

Old Crow Solar Project
A solar Project in the Arctic which is playing a key role in reducing carbon emissions.
Project entered by BBA.

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Project (II), funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)    
Increasing per capita water supply from 105 to 150 litres. A significan improvement of 356 MLD.
Project entered by Tata Consulting Engineers.

Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit System Project Phase 1    
The first mass rapid transit system in Jakarta, 15.7km long with an elevated length of 9.8 km.
Project entered by Oriental Consultants Global Co.

Hoang Van Thu Bridge, part of the Technical Infrastructure Development Project for the North Cam River New Urban Area
Iconic suspension bridge with 200m span on both sides. 
Project entered by Transport Engineering Design Incorporation.

Narendra Modi Cricket Stadium at Motera, Ahmedabad.
The world’s largest cricket stadium.
Project entered by STUP Consultants.

The recipients of the Awards of Excellence were:   

Chengdu-Guiyang High-Speed Railway  
This major high-speed rail line is 648-miles long and connects south west China and its south east coastal areas. The project includes the Jinsha River Bridge with a high-speed railway in the upper deck and a road highway in the lower deck.
Project entered by China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.

Pingtang Bridge  
The largest concrete bridge in the world with a central pillar of 332 meters high.
Project entered by Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey & Design Academe Co.

Beijing Daxing International Airport   
An airport able to host 72 million passengers with 4 landing tracks. The airport terminal is 1.4 million sqm and is the largest anti-seismic building in the world.
Project entered by Beiijng Institute of Architectural Design (Group) Co.

New Coastal Road viaduct on Reunion Island
A new road of 5,400 m with a viaduct over the sea.
Project entered by Egis.

Mid Halton Wastewater Treatment Plant, Micro-Hydro Facility
An innovative hydroelectric power station constructed within a tunnel at a wastewater treatment plant.
Project entered by Hatch.

Sustainable water supply to Rural Habitations in Gadag District, Karnataka State, India
A project that brings water to 1.5 million people (70 l/d) and which is making a significant difference to people’s lives.
Project entered by STUP Consultants.

25 King
This award-winning project includes the World’s Best Tall Building Under 100 metres from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.
Project entered by Aurecon.

The recipient of the Outstanding Project of the Year is:

For the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
The project includes an amazing series of bridges and tunnels of 55 kilometres connecting Hong Kong with Macao and Zhuhai. One tunnel of 5.7 kms is 40 meters under the sea level.
Project entered by CCCC Highway Consultants Co.

Commenting on the announcement of the award winners at the virtual awards ceremony, outgoing FIDIC president Bill Howard said: "Congratulations to our winner, to our Awards of Excellence and our Awards of Merit. All these projects showcase engineering and the work of our construction and infrastructure sector and are making a real difference to the communities and populations that they serve. FIDIC is delighted to be able to promote this work and to highlight its importance to society. We look forward to doing the same again with our 2022 FIDIC Project Awards next year."

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