Q: Is the FIDIC secretariat working during the COVID-19 pandemic?
A: Yes, FIDIC is maintaining its operations over this period. FIDIC staff are working from home and keeping all services available for members. For communication with FIDIC staff, please use the regular email addresses and direct telephone numbers available on email signatures.
Q: Is the work of FIDIC committees, task groups, advisory groups, and regional groups still going on?
A: Yes, FIDIC groups of volunteers are still continuing with their activities. Following FIDIC recommendations, all face-to-face meetings and events are currently taking place virtually until further notice.
Q: What online platform does FIDIC use for virtual meetings?
A: FIDIC uses Zoom for all official online meetings with members and stakeholders globally.
Q: Who do we need to contact or connect to in order to organise virtual meetings for committees, advisory groups, regional group governance meetings?
A: Please contact the team at [email protected].
Q: Is FIDIC still collecting membership subscriptions for 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic?
A: Yes, FIDIC is staying operational during the COVD-19 quarantine period. Membership subscription obligations and responsibilities remain unchanged. For comments or questions in this respect, please contact the team at [email protected].
Q: If the FIDIC conference has been canceled in 2020, is FIDIC still going to organise a General Assembly Meeting (GAM)?
A: Yes, FIDIC is currently reviewing its statutes and by-laws in order to determine the best way to conduct a FIDIC GAM in 2020. FIDIC members will receive more details in this respect shortly.
Q: Are the FIDIC board elections still up and running?
A: Yes, similarly to the GAM, FIDIC is looking for the best way to organise board elections and voting remotely. More information will be communicated to members shortly.
Q: Is FIDIC still collecting expressions of interest to serve on FIDIC working committees?
A: Yes, the deadline for submission of nominations has been extended to 10 April 2020. For questions or suggestions in this respect please contact the team at [email protected]
Q: Can member associations and regional groups request FIDIC representatives to attend their conference and events in 2020?
A: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the travelling of FIDIC staff, board and committee members have been cancelled until further notice. Participation of FIDIC reps can be ensured via Zoom, or any other video teleconferencing platform subject to the availability of FIDIC representatives.
Q: Are FIDIC Board meetings still taking place for the rest of 2020?
A: Yes, it is business as usual on FIDIC corporate Governance activities. FIDIC Board will be having their regular Board and Committee meetings by Zoom Conference call and their activities would be recorded in the usual manner.
Q: Is FIDIC effecting any particular activities to assist its members and wider stakeholders during the COVID19 global pandemic?
A: Yes, FIDIC has delivered a number of resources recently to members and stakeholders since the emergence of the COVID19. These include the provision of Guidance for global consulting engineering business published in early March and the introduction of CEO Weekly COVID19 Update. In addition, FIDIC plans to launch a series of thought leadership Global Leaders Programme using Webinar over the coming weeks and months. Details of all FIDIC COVID19 activities are available on our website at www.fidic.org.