Country | Member Association | Reported Staff Numbers (RSN) |
Albania | Albanian Association of Consulting Engineers | 500 |
Australia | Consult Australia | 26,735 |
Austria | Austrian Consultants Association | 4,159 |
Azerbaijan | National Engineering Consultancy Society of Azerbaijan | 353 |
Bahrain | Bahrain Society of Engineers | 110 |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Association of Consulting Engineers | 700 |
Belgium | Organisation des Bureaux d'Ingenieurs-Conseils, d'Ingenierie et de Consultance | 3,800 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegowina | 715 |
Botswana | Association of Consulting Engineers Botswana | 638 |
Brazil | Associação Brasileira de Consultores de Engenharia | 26,713 |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Association of Consulting Engineers and Architects | 500 |
Canada | Association of Canadian Engineering Companies | 37,957 |
Chile | Asociación de Empresas Consultoras de Ingeniería de Chile | 550 |
China | China National Association of Engineering Consultants | 22,500 |
China, Hong Kong | Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong, China | 7,142 |
China, Taiwan | Chinese Association of Engineering Consultants | 3,289 |
Colombia | Cámara Colombiana de la Infraestructura (CCI) | 550 |
Côte d'Ivoire | Chambre Nationale des Ingénieurs Conseils et Experts du Génie Civil | 550 |
Croatia | Croatian Association of Consulting Engineers | 231 |
Cyprus | Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers (CYACE) | 100 |
Czech Republic | Czech Association of Consulting Engineers | 1,677 |
Denmark | Foreningen af Rådgivende Ingeniører | 12,388 |
Dominican Republic | Asociacion de Ingenieria y consultoria Dominicana | 500 |
Ecuador | Asociación de Compañias Consultoras del Ecuador | 1,468 |
Estonia | Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies | 612 |
Finland | Finnish Association of Consulting Firms | 10,336 |
France | CINOV - Fédération des syndicats des métiers de la prestation intellectuelle du Conseil, de l'Ingénierie et du Numérique / SYNTEC Ingénierie | 40,072 |
Germany | Verband Beratender Ingenieure | 31,684 |
Ghana | Ghana Consulting Engineers Association | 660 |
Greece | Hellenic Association of Consulting Firms | 400 |
Hungary | Association of Hungarian Consulting Engineers and Architects | 1,995 |
Iceland | Félag Rádgjafarverkfrædinga | 1,070 |
India | Consulting Engineers Association of India | 14,926 |
Indonesia | National Association of Indonesian Engineering Consultants | 1,472 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers | 2,200 |
Ireland | Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland | 1,608 |
Israel | Israeli Organization of Consulting Engineers and Architects | 1,538 |
Italy | Sindacato Nazionale Ingegneri e Architetti Liberi Professionisti Italiani / Associazione delle Organizzazioni di Ingegneria, di Architettura e di Consulenza Tecnico Economica | 10,489 |
Japan | Engineering and Consulting Firms Association, Japan | 6,600 |
Jordan | Jordan Architects and Consulting Engineers Council | 300 |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan National Association of Proffessional Engineers and Consultants | 588 |
Kenya | Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya | 1,336 |
Korea, Republic of | Korea Engineering and Consulting Association | 6,123 |
Kuwait | Union of Kuwaiti Engineering Offices and Consultant Houses | 550 |
Latvia | Latvian Association of Consulting Engineers | 280 |
Lebanon | Lebanese Association of Consulting Engineers | 923 |
Lithuania | Lithuanian Association of Consulting Companies | 1,032 |
Luxembourg | Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-conseils, d'Ingénierie et de Consultance | 2,059 |
Macedonia, Republic of | Association of Consulting Engineers of Macedonia | 500 |
Malawi | Association of Consulting Engineers of Malawi | 109 |
Malaysia | Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia | 1,132 |
Mali | Ordre Ingenieurs Conseils Du Mali (OICM) | 185 |
Mauritius | Association of Consulting Engineers, Mauritius | 550 |
Mexico | Cámara Nacional de Empresas de Consultoría de México | 4,438 |
Moldova | Association of Consulting Engineers in Republic of Moldova (ARMIC) | 500 |
Mongolia | Mongolian Road Association | 500 |
Montenegro | Association of Consulting Engineers of Montenegro | 1,011 |
Morocco | Fédération Marocaine du Conseil et de l'Ingénierie | 1,200 |
Mozambique | Associaçao de Empresas Moçambicanas de Consultoria (AEMC) | 1,187 |
Nepal | Society of Consulting Architectural and Engineering Firms, Nepal | 92 |
Netherlands | Nlengineers | 10,769 |
New Zealand | Association of Consulting Engineers New Zealand | 9,387 |
Nigeria | Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria | 2,083 |
Norway | Rådgivende Ingeniørers Forening | 10,159 |
Pakistan | Association of Consulting Engineers Pakistan | 2,410 |
Palestinian Territory, Occupied | Engineers Association | 546 |
Paraguay | Cámara Paraguaya de Consultores | 550 |
Peru | Asociación Peruana de Consultoría (APC) | 500 |
Philippines | Council of Engineering Consultants of the Philippines | 1,906 |
Poland | Stowarzyszenie Inzynierów Doradców i Rzeczoznawców (SIDIR) | 373 |
Portugal | Associaçâo Portuguesa de Projectistas e Consultores | 2,120 |
Romania | Romanian Association of Consulting Engineers | 1,830 |
Russian Federation | Russian Association of Engineering Consultants (RAEC) / National Association of Construction Engineering Consultants (NACEC) | 10,243 |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Council of Engineers | 1,247 |
Serbia | Association of Consulting Engineers in Serbia | 643 |
Singapore | Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore | 478 |
Slovakia | Slovak Association of Consulting Engineers | 334 |
Slovenia | National Association of Consulting Engineers of Slovenia | 350 |
South Africa | Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) | 24,366 |
Spain | Asociación española de empresas de Ingeniería, Consultoría y Servicios Tecnológicos (TECNIBERIA) | 7,416 |
Sri Lanka | Association of Consulting Engineers, Sri Lanka | 228 |
Sudan | Sudanese Engineering and Architecture Consultancy Association | 582 |
Suriname | Orde van Raadgevende Ingenieurs in Suriname | 172 |
Sweden | Svenska Teknik & Designföretagen | 15,050 |
Switzerland | Union Suisse des Sociétés d’Ingénieurs Conseils | 9,500 |
Tanzania, United Republic of | Association of Consulting Engineers Tanzania | 731 |
Thailand | Consulting Engineers Association of Thailand (CEAT) | 112 |
Trinidad and Tobago | Joint Consultative Council for the Construction Industry | 550 |
Tunisia | Association Nationale des Bureaux d'Etudes et des Ingénieurs Conseils (ANBEIC) | 500 |
Turkey | Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects | 2,103 |
Uganda | Uganda Association of Consulting Engineers | 562 |
Ukraine | Association of Engineers-Consultants of Ukraine | 500 |
United Arab Emirates | Society of Engineers (SOE) | 1,700 |
United Kingdom | Association of Consultancy and Engineering | 41,010 |
United States | American Council of Engineering Companies | 536,246 |
Viet Nam | Viet Nam Engineering Consultant Association | 2,750 |
Zambia | Association of Consulting Engineers of Zambia | 388 |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe Association of Consulting Engineers | 377 |
| Total | 1,004,353 |