Frequently Asked Questions - Training
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The full description and related requirements of each course provided by FIDIC are available at:
FIDIC organises many courses all over the world. The main language of the courses is English, but we have some courses also in French, Spanish, Arabic, German. The updated list of FIDIC courses is on the website at the page:
Module 1: Practical Use of FIDIC Conditions of Contracts
Module 2: Management of Claims and Disputes resolution under the FIDIC contracts
Module 3: Understanding DABs
Module 4: Management and Administration of FIDIC Contracts
Module 0: Professional Service Agreement
Special Contracts Modules:
Module 5: FIDIC Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects
Module 6: FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Design, Build and Operate projects
Module 7: FIDIC Short Form of Contract (under development)
Module 8: FIDIC Construction Subcontract (under development)
Module 9: FIDIC Dredgers Contract (under development)
Module 10: Project Procurement Procedures
The full content description of the FIDIC standard contracts module is available at:
The 2-day Contracts courses have been designed to offer a complete up-to-date review of the effective understanding and use of the FIDIC contracts currently in use.
The Business Practice modules address business topics such as risk management, integrity management, and sustainable project management, among others.
FIDIC proposes both Contract & Business Practices Modules:
a. Contract Modules:
b. Business Practices Modules:
Module 0 focuses on the White Book only.
Module 1, 2 and 3 should be followed in that order.
Module 4 shall be followed after completion of Module 1.
Each Special Contract Module focuses on specific contracts only. For instance, the DBO and EPC/Turnkey course focuses on the Gold and Silver books only. It is recommended to attend Module 1 at first, if you do not know yet the main FIDIC contracts (Red and Yellow books). Afterward you may attend any special contract module.
Of course, there are certain similarities (because both Modules are dealing with the same set of Conditions of Contracts), but the emphasis is completely different. Compare: WHAT are these contracts, WHAT is included vs. HOW to operate these contracts.
Among others: Better understanding of procedures, more confidence in managing these contracts, more efficient contract administration.
No, most probably not. It is recommended to attend FIDIC Module 1 course first.
You can register online for a training course. The online registration option is available in the event page. Your registration will be added to your account. If you have no account yet, the system will require you to " Create a new account". |
Certificates (2)
After the course is finished, the trainers communicate to FIDIC the final results. Then the FIDIC Secretariat issues the electronic certificates and provides them on the FIDIC Academy platform or sends them by email. This process takes about one month.
Yes. A Certificate of Successful Completion requires having responded in writing on the platform to all questions before the next session and attending at least half the classroom sessions.
A Certificate of Participation requires having participated at least in 50 % of all activities (sessions and question/discussions).
Online courses (6)
During 2016, 6 online courses will be organised:
- Basic Module 1: FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction (Red Book) and Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design Build (Yellow Book).
- Advanced Module 1: Advanced course in applying FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction (Red Book) and Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design Build (Yellow Book).
- Module 2: Claims and Dispute Resolution under FIDIC.
- Module 3: Understanding DABs.
- Module 4: Management & Administration of FIDIC Contracts
- Young Professionals Management Training Programme: the FIDIC management training programme for young professionals and future potential managers.
Additional online courses will be proposed in the future.
Please find the complete list of online courses at:
The on-line sessions are held on planned dates and times according to time zones. The session’s time depends on the time zone of the participants. We try to run the sessions at a time that is suitable for everybody. Some participants may have to weak up early, or stay a bit later in the evening, but we do our best to run them at reasonable times.
Yes, the content of the online course is the same as the face-to-face content courses, but going much more into detail of the clauses, analysing practical case studies and building a network.
The online courses comprise 8 to 9 sessions of 2 hours each. Between each session homework has to be produced: the trainer presents case studies to be analysed and a list of questions to be answered. The home work will be executed interactively, with discussions among the participants.
At each session, two editors will present the results of the group work and discuss the consolidated answers.
The online course is very much interactive, offering the opportunity to exchange with the other participants different experiences and different points of view; it develops networking and cultural mix. The content of the online course is the same as the face-to-face content courses, but going much more into detail of the clauses and analysing practical case studies.
The training programme covers:
- Introduction to FIDIC
- Contract Documents (What documents form the Contract, essential requirements)
- Start-up (Steps prior to signing the contract, activities related to launching the project)
- Financial Control (Payments, cash-flow and financial monitoring of the project)
- Ongoing supervision (Procedures related to time an quality management)
- Taking Over the Works (Preparing and managing this important project milestone)
- Defects Liability, Completion, Termination (What is Completion and what liabilities are coming after? Termination – the procedures and the Parties’ rights).
This course (just as its “normal” non-web based, conventional version) focuses mostly on two of FIDIC’s 1999 conditions of contracts releases, namely the Red Book and the Yellow Book, with some outlooks, references made to the Silver Book as well – but the main focus is on the Conditions of Contract for Construction = Red, through which the Engineer’s administrative roles, and functions and responsibilities are introduced. As a result, this module covers the conventional “re-measured” basis payment system, and to a certain extent, the lump-sum system. Other methods for payment are not really covered in this course.
The on-line courses require that participants have access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection either at their workplace or at home and a headset with microphone; there is no need for a webcam.
At the moment the FIDIC Future Leaders Management Course does not offer any scholarship.
All details about the content and structure of the FIDIC Future Leaders Management Course are available HERE.
For registration please see: FIDIC Academy platform
FIDIC may help your firm to organise courses specially conceived for your staff. You should define the content of the course you need, the time period, the number of participants, indicating their prior knowledge of FIDIC. Please fill in the form: and FIDIC will send an offer according to your specifications. |
You will find the list of the FIDIC certified trainers at: |
The FIDIC Accreditation Assessment Workshops are announced on FIDIC web site at: |
You may find the detailed description of the criteria and procedure for the FIDIC accreditation on our web site at: Among other requirements, becoming a FIDIC trainer requires several years of practical experience in the use of the FIDIC contracts, a confirmed past training experience and to be nominated by your country Member Association, if it exists. Evidence of attendance to at least one FIDIC course covering the FIDIC training module envisaged for the trainer is as well a required pre-requisite. |
Find my invoices (1)
Your invoices can be downloaded from your user account at anytime. They are available in the pdf format under the tab "Invoices".
Payment methods (1)
There are two methods of payment : - by Credit card: Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa. - by Bank transfer : make payable in Euro to FIDIC, Account No. 274644-02-1, Credit Suisse, Paradeplatz 8, Box 590, CH-8021 Zurich. Clearing No. 4835; Sort Code: 80.500.4; SWIFT:CRESCHZZ80A; IBAN: CH24-0483-5027-4644-0200-1 The order/invoice number must be specified in the bank transfer form to avoid delays in the order processing. Bank transfer fees must be solely borne by the client. FIDIC reserves the right not to activate your registration until full payment has been received.* * Please note that a bank transfer may take 1 to 3 days to be effective. |
Payment confirmation invoices are sent after payment via bank transfer. An email notification will be sent. Your invoice payment confirmation pdf will be available from your user account at anytime under the tab "Invoices". |