
Using design thinking to increase diversity and inclusion
- a webinar organised by the FIDIC Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council
As engineers, we are very good at design thinking. But, how can design thinking be used to drive diversity and inclusion? Diversity increases innovation, productivity and profitability. How can this be used to support the consulting engineering sector post-pandemic, where the rapid changes implemented will outlast the virus that caused them?
Participants at this webinar, organised to coincide with International Women’s Day, will learn about using an integrated design approach and design processes to create flexible diversity and inclusion solutions that are both fit for purpose and relevant to local conditions. We need diverse inputs in the design of engineering solutions to achieve sustainability, resilience, maintainability and a circular economy, to name but a few. Diverse and inclusive design will come from a diverse and inclusive profession, driving growth in our sector in a post-pandemic era. By leveraging the speed of change and the ‘new normal’ concept, real and collaborative diversity and inclusion will become the way we set ourselves apart from the rest.
The result will not only be improved profitability and productivity, but also an improved planet as a result. We need to broaden the road to recovery – recovery of me, recovery of us and the recovery of the planet. Embrace change and harness it as an opportunity to protect against future shocks.
FIDIC Secretariat: [email protected]