FIDIC Committee Webinar Series
The relaunch of FIDIC’s revitalized committee structure last year means that FIDIC is now much better placed to make a positive impact on and widen its influence in the global infrastructure industry. To highlight some of the key areas being covered by the work of these committees, a series of nine webinars has been organised across a range of industry key issues including communications, diversity and inclusion, the use of FIDIC contracts in emerging countries, combating corruption, quality, net-zero and best business practice in a post-Covid world. These webinars are free to attend and open to all and they are expected to be well attended by global industry professionals. Details of the FIDIC committee webinar series are listed below.
Sponsorship Opportunities For FIDIC Webinars
Partnership with Purpose – working with the multilateral development banks
Tuesday 16 November 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC International Financial Institutions Committee
This webinar will look at how FIDIC, its member associations, stakeholders and the various international financial institutions and the private sector can work better together and develop a more effective partnership (a ‘Partnership with purpose’) to tackle the need for sustainable investments in global infrastructure. The webinar will examine key themes like the funding of Infrastructure, better (total benefit) infrastructure solutions, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, financing modalities and effective delivery through transparency and contract standardisation.
The webinar will also discuss how the engineering community can partner with the IFIs to bridge the infrastructure gap, how FIDIC and the work of its IFI committee can help to better understand and build this bridge and look at the key next steps in developing a really effective partnership between FIDIC, its members and the IFIs.
Attendees from around the globe at this webinar will be able to hear from expert speakers who will address the above in the context of where the industry and the world finds itself now as we slowly move into meeting these challenging global demands.
Some of the key questions to consider include:
•How to attract an alternate form of financing to global infrastructure need?
•How can the engineering community partner with the IFIs to bridge the infrastructure gap?
•How can green infrastructure enable sustainable development and be beneficial to investors?
•How can contracts be standardised to facilitate transparency and better project outcomes?
Crucially, the webinar will enable learnings from previous case studies, address how, through building a ‘Partnership with purpose’, FIDIC, its member associations and the IFIs can work better together to leave a lasting legacy of sustainable world-class efficient infrastructure that can transform the lives of global citizens.
Register To Attend This Free Webinar Here
Bridging the Gaps - Improving communications with FIDIC member associations
Tuesday 26 January 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Membership Committee
This webinar provided an opportunity for member associations (MAs) to discuss how FIDIC can improve the effectiveness of its communications and engagement with members to ensure that MAs feel better connected to FIDIC and that FIDIC is able to get its message across to MAs’ member firms thereby increasing the effectiveness and visibility of FIDIC in the global industry. The webinar will look at examples where members have benefited from FIDIC’s help in promoting events and initiatives to a wider global audience and where collective working globally has led to successes. This webinar should be well worth attending to find out more about how FIDIC can work together with its MAs to be more effective.
Tuesday 23 February 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Membership Committee
This webinar looked at how we can enhance and improve the capacity of clients and employers in emerging countries on FIDIC contract management. FIDIC’s popular suite of contracts are used by hundreds of clients around the world and - given the endorsement for these contracts from the multilateral development banks - these contracts are increasingly used by emerging countries in the developing world. This webinar explored the support available to clients unused to working with FIDIC contracts and will look at the benefits of using them on global construction and infrastructure contracts.
Tuesday 23 March 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Integrity Management Committee
This webinar looked at the global fight against corruption in the engineering and construction sector and how organisations and companies are working together to prevent it. Building on the successful webinar help on this issue at the end of 2020, this event will highlight the internationally recognised standards and guidelines that contribute to improved transparency and integrity in infrastructure project delivery and look at the concrete steps that companies working in the infrastructure sector can take to combat the threat of corruption. The webinar will also highlight how FIDIC is working with its 100+ member associations around the world and with key international organisations to facilitate the global exchange of experience and knowledge on transparency and accountability in public infrastructure.
Tuesday 6 April 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Risk, Liability and Quality Committee
This webinar looked at the central importance of a commitment to quality on construction projects. All stakeholders on a project, including the investor, government, clients, contractors, suppliers, consultants and operators, have a responsibility for ensuring quality. It requires a team effort, with all parties committed to achieving quality and excellence in all that they do. FIDIC has long advocated for quality in the consulting engineering industry and defines quality as all the key attributes of professional services including skill, experience, innovation, integrity, sustainability and best business practice. This webinar will look at quality in the infrastructure life cycle, quality as a risk management strategy in construction projects, the key success factors for achieving a quality culture in engineering consultancies and how FIDIC contracts address the issue of quality and how best to achieve it.
The role of the infrastructure industry in achieving a net zero world
Tuesday 15 June 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Sustainable Development Committee
This webinar will look at the pivotal role of the infrastructure industry in achieving a net zero world. It is clear that without drastic international action today, adapting to the impacts of climate change in the future will be more difficult and costly. The construction and infrastructure sector has a crucial role to play in the fight against climate change and without its active engagement, the battle cannot be won. Internationally, where less wealthy nations will need extra help and innovation to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, the ingenuity and expertise of construction professionals will be pivotal. As the world approaches the international COP26 conference, this webinar will look at the international battle to combat climate change and the crucial role of the construction and infrastructure sector in that.
The post-Covid consulting engineering industry – Future Leaders’ global perspectives
Tuesday 29 June 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Future Leaders Council
More than a year into the Covid-19 pandemic, in common with every other business sector, the construction and infrastructure industry has been significantly affected the world over. Working practices have been adapted and are likely to change further in the constantly evolving ‘new normal’. As the future leaders of the industry, young and emerging professionals offer a unique outlook on the current situation and their experiences are viewed through the lens of innovation and opportunity.
At this free webinar, FIDIC’s Future Leaders will discuss some of the changes in the industry and offer a regional and global perspective on the impacts and challenges. How has delivering consulting engineering services changed? What new service offerings have emerged? How has networking and marketing changed? What has been the impact on work acquisition? How easy has it been to deliver international projects? How will working practices change going forward? And, crucially, what opportunities lie ahead for the industry?
Join us as we explore the answers to these questions by attending this webinar which will attempt to tackle the big challenges facing the industry from the perspective of current employees, project managers and business owners from the perspective of FIDIC’s Future Leaders.
All you need to know about the FIDIC Short Form of Contract (Green Book) 2nd Edition
Tuesday 5 October 2021 - 12.00 to 13.30 CET
A webinar organised by the FIDIC Contracts Committee
This webinar will take a look at the important features of the new FIDIC Short Form of Contract (Green Book) 2nd Edition through the contributions from various players who use it in order to encourage a live debate with people with different views. Speakers will include FIDIC task group members involved in the development of the Green Book, representatives from the multilateral development banks, a contractor and a lawyer to get the widest possible discussion on the benefits of using this contract.